Kindness Starts within Me!@ Sembawang Close (End of May)MFS- Sembawang Close started to reinforce gratefulness and appreciation to children by discussing about people whom they can be grateful for. Some suggestions ...
Recycle, Reuse, Reduce: Hanging bottle garden (June actvitiy)For the month of June, SCC project for SSDB is about recycling. We had our “1.5L Bottle Donation Drive” in school whereby parents had been very generous in ...
NurtureStars Punggol is who we are & Nature-loving is what we are! An innovative collaboration between NurtureStars Punggol & NParks to engage preschoolers in meaningful physical activity while nurturing nature!In our bid to create ...
Giving of 'Sadaqa' - Charitable donation by NurtureStars Punggol to Pertapis Home! Remembering the less fortunate and underprivileged during festivity! Our Hari Raya celebrations on 19th June 2018, provided NurtureStars Punggol with an excellent opportunity to highlight the significance of ‘sadaqa’, or charity by organising a ...
Everyone would love a slice of "CAKE"! ‘Compassion’, ‘Appreciation’, ‘Kindness’ and ‘Empathy’…Dear Parents,I am pleased to share with you that this is our 4th year in embarking on the project titled “Start Small ...
Share Your Smile, Donate Benevolently ChampKids’ Academy is honoured to be of more than 39, 000 preschoolers from over 670 centres participating in SSDB this year-almost 5 times the number when this movement ...
Share your Smile, Donate Benevolently The objective of ChampKids’ Academy SSDB Donation Drive 2018 came with a caption “Share Your Smile and Donate Benevolently”. Simply SSDB! The K1 and K2 children participated ...
Project C.A.R.E. by the K2s We officially joined the Red Cross Junior Club during our Racial Harmony Day Celebrations on 21 July 2018.We were very happy to have The Red Cross Society to join us on that ...
SSDB Speedy Cubbies @Mini World In celebration of the Kindness Day 2018; we aim to let our children to spread kindness to one another after they have learned what kindness means and how they can be kind in ...
Superheroes Caring For The Environment: Green wave project Following the lead of the children who have expressed their interest and intention to “plant more trees”, we decided to participate in biodiversity campaign known as the Green ...
Superheroes Caring For The Environment: The Great Ocean Clean Up While the older children went to the Earth Week Carnival organized by the Preschool Market to learn about caring for Planet Earth through the 3Rs, conservation of energy and ...
Superheroes Caring For The Environment: Earth Week Carnival While the younger classes were doing the great ocean clean up, our older children went for the Earth Week carnival organised by the Preschool Market.At the carnival there were ...