LEARNING through READING “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love for BOOKS is the best of all.” ~ Jacqueline KennedyThrough the SSDB Project, we inculcate children’s love for ...
Partnership with NLB The nursery class collaborated with NLB for their SSDB Project. Representatives from NLB came to our centre and did story telling and taught nursery rhymes with actions about ...
Project Elephant @ Blossom Finale Parents, siblings and grandparents spent their nights to support their children. They were shown the E-book which the children have all taken part in making. They have also ...
The Traffic Lights Children learnt about traffic lights; pretending to be a driver; enhance on their spatial awareness as they “drives” around before the traffic light turn color.So much joy, ...
Importance of Gratitude This week, the children were introduced to the importance of showing gratitude to the people around them. This was done through sharing a newspaper article with the children. ...
A Tribute to the Pioneers The children brought along their plastic flowers that they had made to SparkleCare @ Yew Tee Blk 625. They were there for a mission! It is to embrace on the values that the ...
SSDB @ 4PM Flag Day We started off our SDDB project on the month of February 2018. Centre principal, teachers, parents volunteer & our K2 children were very excited and gathered together ...
Second Phase: Lessons about Elements of Art The children were engaged to different activities in connection with one of the elements of art, COLOURS. We also integrated the lessons with our Numeracy and Discovery of the ...
Second Phase: Lessons About Elements of Art One of the Elements of Art is Line. The children learnt that lines play in the creation process. Lines can communicate ideas and feelings as well. After our discussion, the ...