Mrs Yeo

Zion Bishan Kindergarten

Mrs Yeo
28 Apr 2017

Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) - President's Challenge 2017

Zion Bishan Kindergarten – “Sow A Little Kindness”

Zion Bishan Kindergarten SSDB Launch Party Day…

It was Thursday, 13 April 2017 and the weather was great at Zion Bishan Kindergarten. The teachers and the K1 children were gathered at the kindergarten’s Church Sanctuary where we officially held our “Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Launch Party”. The air was filled with excitement as the K1 children put on their handmade party hats using reusable materials. The children were looking forward to this special day. They were all ready to present to their parents, a rhyme - “Lend A Helping Hand”, an English song - “A Gift to You” and a Chinese song – “让爱传出去”.

The parents arrived punctually and we had an overwhelming turn up! Prior to the start of the party, the teachers helped to distribute the parents’ feedback forms and the parental involvement forms.

The party began with our principal addressing the parents with a welcome greeting and a short video clip by ‘Steve Jobs’. This video was screened to encourage the adults to live a life that counts. The K1 children came on stage to give their presentation. Thereafter, there was a slide presentation to explain the objectives of the SSDB and a question and answer time to help clarify any doubts.

The parents were invited to the K1 classrooms and Learning Centres for a simple yet delightful tea party. The children and their parents streamed in excitedly. The children were tasked to bring their parents around their classrooms to show them the class decorations and their artworks. The mood was happy and relaxed and excitement was certainly in the air as the parents drank coffee or tea and chatted amongst themselves and with the teachers. We could feel the parents’ enthusiasm as they filled in the parental involvement forms to participate in this SSDB project. The parents left the school on a positive note and were looking forward to help out in whatever ways they can.

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