Irene Tay

LoveShine Montessori Schoolhouse Pte Ltd

Irene Tay
20 May 2018

Family Day with a Big Heart!

Our Family Day event this year is part of our SSDB – “Sowing Love with Little Hands” project to inculcate good values in our children and encourage them to give back to the community. About 4 weeks before the event, the teachers taught the children about charity and how they can use their little hands to sow love to the less fortunate. They engaged the children to design and make creative garden themed craftworks with their little hands!

Our Family Day was held at the Promenade Lawn of Garden by the Bay on 12 May 2018. LoveShine families came together to enjoy nature in the garden, participated in a flower arrangement workshop and contributed to charity by donating to the President’s Challenge.

The children did their acts of kindness for charity when they recited their SSDB pledge with gusto and put up their craftworks for sale. The teachers took turns to explain to the parents how the children created their craftworks. All parents supported the children’s effort for charity enthusiastically by purchasing all their craft masterpieces!

Indeed no one can do everything but everyone can do something for charity! All the proceeds from the sale of craftworks, including the cost of craftworks borne by the school, will be donated to the beneficiaries and the less fortunate of the President’s Challenge 2018. 

Kudos to all our LoveShine parents and children!

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