Celebrating Earth Day Various activities were conducted in the Kindergarten to celebrate Earth Day. On Earth Day itself, the children came dressed in “earth” colours ie. green, blue, brown or a ...
Singapore Kindness Day Celebration During the weeklong celebration, children learnt from Singa & his friends about the 5 magic words - “Please”, “Thank you”, “You’re welcome”, “I’m sorry” & “Excuse me”. ...
Celebration of Mother's/ Father's Day In our Kindergarten, children were taught how to respect, honour & love their parents. Using recycled items, the children made their own personalized gifts for the 2 ...
Serving the Elderly at St. Luke's Elder are Centre ("Centre") This year, the children had an opportunity to serve the Elderly at St. Luke’s Eldercare. It was an enriching experience for the children as they learnt how to avail themselves ...
SSDB 2018 Finale The Finale was attended by two K2 teachers & two K2 children. The children were thrilled to be selected to represent the Kindergarten for the Finale. They watched ...
SSDB Launch Party in April In conjunction with Earth Day, My First Skool - JW3 organised the SSDB launch party on 19th April 2018, together with Earth Day celebration. Our theme this year is 3Rs sales ...
SSDB Sales Night in July SSDB Sales Night marks the end of this year SSDB project. In this event, the children get to sell the craft works they have done. The toddlers potted a plant in plastic ...
Presenting of donations to elderly in August On 13th August, My First Skool - JW3 made a monthly visit to Silver Circle (Jurong Central) to present our donations we raised during SSDB Sales Night.The children from ...
President's challenge Start Small Dream Big Ah Gongs Ah Mahs Our Treasures 16th Nov 2018: Today we decided to celebrate our last day of the school term with Ah Gongs and Ah Mahs. They were not aware of our visit so were very surprised and excited ...