Second Phase: Lessons About Elements of Art One of the Elements of Art is Line. The children learnt that lines play in the creation process. Lines can communicate ideas and feelings as well. After our discussion, the ...
Second Phase: All About SSDB Our learning journey for SSDB was indeed great and amazing. The children were also able to meet Start, Small, Dream, and Big. Indeed, we don’t need to be great to start, but ...
Our Art Works! It was so fulfilling to see these children with little minds and little hands and little hearts because they have the willingness to learn and at the same time give back their ...
A visit to Ling Kwang Elderly Home 12/9 (去灵光爱老院慰问老人 ) 又到了看望老人的日子。这次K1和Nursery的小朋友们一起和老人们制作手工——灯笼 🏮,迎接中秋节的到来。K1 - 用厕纸筒和红纸做的灯笼,既又美观又环保,老人们很喜欢。Nursery - 用红包袋贴灯笼,阿公帮忙涂胶水,阿嬷帮忙撕红包,大家有说有笑一起做手工,真是开心极了!
All Saints Elders Home Charity Drive @ Tampines Street 44 In August to September the children, parents, staff and management of Bubblesland Playhouse contributed donation items such as adult diapers, rice, oil, noodles, wet tissues ...
Ah Gongs Ah Mahs Our Treasures Our 18th Date.... 21st Sept 2018- Children were busy working hard with Ah Gongs and Ah Mahs on making the lanterns so that the elderly could bring home for home decoration today. Mini mooncakes ...
SSDB Celebration: Love Food, Stop Wastage 2018 (Finale) cum PCF Sparkletots Preschool@ Braddell Heights Blk 246 Opening Ceremony On 15 September 2018, we had our Start Small Dream Big Project 2018 entitled: Love Food, Stop Wastage in conjunction with our centre’s opening ceremony. We planned the event ...
Art@Heart - Cherie Hearts @ Upper Thomson For SSDB this year, the little Cherians have decided to embark upon an art journey. We have crafted the event to be an arts affair comprising of visual and performing arts, to ...
Children @ Work In preparation for our SSDB Carnival on the 29th September, children from N1 to K2 are involved in creating their products using recycled materials. Since the launch, children ...
SKM - May 2018 This year, we decided to spread kindness by giving out bracelets to the community. We invited the mummies to our centre to nake bracelets together. We then decorated the paper ...