Activities to promote empathy for the differently abled K2 children continued to use different parts of their body to empathise with those who are differently abled.
Care for nature and outdoor lifestyle K1 children patiently watered and cared for their plants.幼一班幼儿学习种红豆,认识植物的生长过程。
Being kind and caring to each other. K1 children coloured ‘Kindness’ statements to remind us of our actions.
SSDB Launch - Thanks From Me To You (Part 1; Collaboration with the Cleaners) One person can make a difference, and everyone should try. - John Fitzgerald KennedyOur centre, PCF Sparketots Preschool @ Limbang Blk 567 (CC) is participating in the ...
SSDB Launch - Thanks From Me To You (Part 2; Showing Appreciation to the Cleaners) Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. - VoltaireFollowing the interview, the children put up some songs and dance ...
SSDB - Thanks From Me To You (Part 3; Cleaners' Appreciation Day 2018) Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other. - Randy PauschFinally, the big day for the cleaners and our children has ...
PPIS JURONG @826 Flashback to our SSDB launching "RECYCLING IS FUN" Our K1 and K2 SSDB ambassador performing for the crowd. It was a fun and enriching experience as they shared about the importance of recycling.
Starting small: showing kindness to our younger friends On the 19th of April, our K1 visited the Pre-Nursery and the Nursery 1 children to help them with their routines. The day started with the K1s accompanying the N1s on their ...
Our charity craft sale On the 25th of May, we welcomed parents into our centre for our Celebration of Learning cum craft sale. The children acted as facilitators as they guided their parents around ...
Improvised activities to learn to care for self and others - SSDB project C. A. R. E. Wesley Vineyard Childcare children from Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 followed the lesson plans provided by Singapore Red Cross and Kidz Meadows.Children learnt the emergency ...