SHEFFIELD KIDSWORLD SSDB CARNIVAL Finally, after weeks of hard work from our Teachers and children, we are now pleased to announce that we are ALL READY FOR OUR CARNIVAL! It will be a fundraising cum food ...
‘Plant a Seed, Paint a Pot with the Elders’ Respect, Care and Kindness are some of the most important values that adults can instill to the children. It will ensure they develop positive relationships with their ...
Getting close to nature As part of our Learning Journey, the K1s & K2s paid a visit to Hort Park. The objective of this activity is to provide greater exposure to the children on elements of ...
Kindness in Me (Breakfast cum Getting to Know) 13th April 2018, FridayThis year we embark on a new project called, ‘Kindness in Me’ (KIM). Prior to this project, our K2 children had the same project last year. This year ...
Showing Kindness Everywhere 15th May 2018, TuesdayIn conjunction with the Kindness Week, the children decided to make an artwork with the Elders. We began the activity with the children performing th...
Hari Raya Open House @BV54 29th June 2018We invited the elderly and pioneers from FaithActs to join us in our centre for Hari Raya Celebration.The children perform a song and dance for the occasion and ...
Racial Harmony @ FaithAct 17th July 2018The children went to FaithAct centre to celebrate racial harmony day with the elderly and pioneers.This round, Mr Jonathon from FaithAct shared the meaning of ...
Visit to All Saints Nursing Home As a follow up to our Charity Bazaar, the K2 children, teachers and staff of Changi General Hospital brought the food items that parents had donated to ‘All Saints Nursing ...
Sheffield Kidsworld Fundraising Carnival & Food Drive As a conclusion to our project on Food Waste Management, we have worked with Food Bank Singapore to bring to our children and parents a carnival that promises lots of ...
Spreading the Mighty spirit at Society for the Aged Sick 6th August was a joyous day for the folks at Society for the Aged Sick. Volunteers, staff and the residents were geared up in celebration of our nation’s 52nd birthday. The ...
Father's Day Celebration There are so many things we can embrace every single day that are well worth celebrating, and there is nothing more exciting than finding a reason to celebrate Father’s Day. ...
Cookery with the Elderly The children were geared up with all smiles as they emabark on a special mission which is to spread love and joy to a group of elderly through a cookery. The salient objective ...