Preparation for our Virtual Lauch Party The children, teachers and parents were informed a month before of the SSDB virtual launch party that was to be held. As we discussed and decided to work on the theme of ‘road ...
Artwork about Singapore using recycle materials. For our last phase of SSDB project, we did a home-school partnership. In conjunction with their theme in school and national day the Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 did a craft ...
Hari Raya Celebration and Visit to Pertapis Senior Citizen Fellowship Home Last 25th June 2018, the children visited Pertapis senior citizen fellowship home to spread love and joy to the elderly. The children got an oppurtunity to explore what Hari ...
Embarking on the SSDB Journey For a start, the K1 and K2 children visited the Singapore Kindness Gallery on 8 May 2018. The children had fun learning through pretend play and doing craftwork. Children were ...
Kindness craft activity Children did craft activity to build their own Kindsville express bus cube. They were focused to finish the craft activity with minimal guidance.
Visit to Sree Narayana Mission - Old Age Home Both the K1 and K2 children had the opportunity to visit the elderly at Sree Narayana Mission on 31 May 2018. Children joined the elderly for their morning exercise and did a ...
Invited grandparents for Hari Raya celebration We invited grandparents to join us in the Hari Raya celebration to educate children to respect and appreciate the love and care for them. It is also a little way to tell the ...
Fruit of Labour After planting the seeds during the launch party, teachers continued to instil a sense of responsibility in the children by bringing them to the garden to take care of the ...
Recycling cum National Day Awareness National Day celebration at Iman Kindergarten Yishun this year is a day to remember. It was a recycling project and we decided to incorporate with the National Day. Our theme ...
Handmade With Love - Charity Art Bazaar As part of our community education, Kinderland Preschool @ Sengkang conducted our annual Little Entrepreneurs Project to give children an opportunity to learn entrepreneurial ...
Being the Change - One Tray at a Time Many Singaporeans enjoy hawker fare but few clean up after themselves. Encouraging people to return their trays after meals has always been a persistent issue and as such, our ...