Let's adopt a plant With potted plants kindly donated to us by a nature lover, the children were invited to adopt one so that they may be responsible for the well being of it. Gardening is hard ...
Let the watering begin! We adopt, we will be responsible! Plants need love and care. Watering them is loving them too!
Playgroup and Nursery 1 involvement in bringing nature to school. The little ones were extremely excited about their own plants too. They learned what plants need to grow. What do plants give us in return for the care and love that were ...
A day of hope and compassion It was a dream come true to reach out to the needy children from our children’s hard work and supportive parents.Team effort and perseverance was clearly seen during that ...
Day 2 of 2 - Washing the Harvested Vegetables in Preparation for Animal Feeding Today marks the completion of our K1 & K2 children 2-day external initiative, as they headed off to ACRES early this morning to wash the vegetables they had harvested ...
Hardwork+team work+creativity= success Last 8 August marks the 52nd birthday of Singapore and also the launching of our “Bazaar-for-a-cause.Teachers and students of different levels in our centre worked hand in ...
PCF Sparkletots Preschool@Sengkang Central Blk 206A - "SAVE A DROP, SAVE YOUR FUTURE" PROJECT IDEA & LAUNCHFor our Start Small Dream Big project on “Saving Water”, we started the project rolling by contacting PUB, which provided the book “ A Wally Wally ...
Our SSDB Family Day Charity Finally! Our SSDB Family Day Charity is here! We made sandwiches and fruit kebabs, packed popcorn and prepared drinks for the foodfare.We donated our gently used clothes, toys ...
AVA Pet Central Talk AVA Pet Central came to our school today as part of our Start Small, Dream Big theme of caring for animals. They shared with us about being responsible pet owners. Some of my ...
Once upon a time For this year’s Start Small Dream Big project 2017, our aim to show our love and appreciation to the elderly together with the children. We, as educators understand the ...
Healthy Eating Starts from Me This is the 2nd year of our Centre embarking on Start Small Dream Big Project. This project is centered on Healthy Eating Starts from Me. Teachers educate children the ...
Little ones with big hearts Little Footprints Preschool @ Sims has chosen St. John’s Home for the Elderly Persons as our beneficiary for our SSDB 2017 project. This project aims to nurture our children ...