Just One Earth - Earth Day We only have ‘just one earth’. Earth is our only home and we have to get everyone involved in caring for and loving her.On 18th of April 2018 in collaboration with Kampung ...
Tweak it, instead of binning it. 20 April 2018Back from the recent Kampong-Earth day trip, the K2 children immediately got busy taking care of our home in an especially creative way. JOE gives us most ...
A Garden Adventure 26 July 2018For better appreciation of mother nature, the children got to explore the different attractions at Gardens by the Bay.Through their journey at the Gardens, the ...
The Little Seed 27 July 2018The littlest ones in the centre got to learn about the process of plant life. Although they were not part of the Garden Adventure with the Nursery children, the ...
We Are Singapore 30 July 2018As the NDP 2018 theme song goes,> This is my country, this is my flagIt is just but right to teach the children to be responsible people of this ...
Knock! Knock! 31 July 2018With National day just around the corner, everyone had been busy preparing and excited about the coming events that came along with it.The Nursery 2 children had ...
We like to move it! 03 August 2018We have danced our way to National day! Grooving and moving was one of the ways almost everybody at PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Canberra Blk 413 kicked off ...
Put a SMILE in everyone through Kindness On 13 April, we launched our SSBB 2018 with the children’s active participation. They decorated their pledge cards and hang it in the gym room. The children had lots of fun ...
Little green fingers at work Start Small Dream Big Project 2018. What better way than to begin with our very own environment and working towards sharing with the community!The teachers and children ...
Meet the Elderly @ Neighbourhood On 28th August 2018, The children visited to a nearby Supermarket at Chai Chee area. They have selected some nutritional food with Healthier Choice logo such as...
Little green fingers at work Children work in collaboration with parents and grandparents to engage ideas and suggestions on identifying the suitability of the types of vegetables to be planted ...