Captain Green - Our Hero Using the material provided by the National Environment Agency, the children were introduced to Captain Green through the story ‘Captain Green Captain Green - The Sick Day’ by ...
Introduce our children to Gravitrap Gravitrap is a cylindrical trap with a sticky inner surface which is commonly found residential areas. This mosquito trap’s aim is to fight dengue and eventually reduce the ...
Activities to introduce Dengue Fever Children were introduced to Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and dengue fever through various activities and discussion. They learnt about the life cycle of a mosquito and could ...
Let's go on a Mosquito Hunt After learning about the 5-step mozzie wipeout, children were involved in a mosquito hunt in two different locations. Firstly, they acted like an officer going around the ...
Dengue Prevention Talk On 4th June, we were pleased to have a speaker from the NEA to have a sharing session on Dengue Prevention Education. They got to know more about Aedes mosquito, understand ...
Take Home Project In this project, each child and his or her parent were encouraged to represent their learning by working on either a craft or a poster on the things learnt. Through the ...
Stop Dengue! Learning Showcase On 6th July, parents of our K1 class were invited to our Learning Showcase that showed their parents the things that they have learnt through a learning showcase. At the start ...
Sharing their learning with the K2s To spread the message of Dengue prevention, our K1s shared a short presentation with the K2 class. This is to encourage their friends to keep up the fight against dengue and ...
August - Zion Home for the Aged Visit: Flower Craftwork On 23rd August 2018, the K1 visited the grandmas to create a flower craftwork together. Prior to the visit, the children were taught how to create the flower that they will be ...
Recycled Fun Artwork Our K1 and K2 children incorporated the use of recycled materials to create 3D model art pieces for their project work. Parents contributed all kinds of recycled materials ...
Visit to All Saints Home After the launch of our SSDB project, the K1s and K2s followed up with a visit to All Saint’s Home (Hougang) to pay a visit to the residents living there.The children started ...
Reducing Plastic Waste One Neighbourhood At A Time Our N2 children got together with the K1 and K2 children in this Litter Picking Event as part of their SSDB Journey: Reduce Plastic Waste, Save Our Watery Friends. This event ...