Kelly Chew

Sheffield Kidsworld (St Anne)

Kelly Chew
16 Apr 2018


Today the teachers and children had a blast in party-ing their way to the launch party of our first ever SSDB project! The school was buzzing with lots of excitement and the children waited eagerly with their thinking hats on together, for their teacher to announce the decided project that they have painstakingly spent days after days in brainstorming sessions to come out with. The children were brimming with ideas on how they can contribute to the community, making an impact in others and their lives. 

At last, the party begins! The Teachers announced on the decided project and it will deal with the issue of food wastage in Singapore. We spent some time getting together, exploring more about this impending issue that Singapore is facing and how we as little, can help make a great differences in changing that. 

And that slowly but surely, we were able to come out with many proposals on what can be done by us. After all we may be small, but we can definitely DREAM BIG! 

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