Teacher Erika

Our Juniors' Schoolhouse @ Tanjong Katong

Teacher Erika
16 Aug 2018

Kindness day - welfare pack for community servers (18th may)

In conjunction with Singapore’s Kindness Day on 18th May 2018, everyone in Our Junior’s Schoolhouse helped to pack a welfare token for people who contribute to the society. The objective of this initiation was to build a gracious, respectful and motivated spirit in the community. The bag consists of an orange, wet wipes, swiss roll and packet drink. While children placed the items into the bag, they discussed about how each can benefit the recipient, and shared their feelings about the packing process.

Every child brought home a welfare pack to present it to a member of the community whom they want to give thanks to. Such individuals include the rubbish collectors, cleaners, security guard, doctors, postman or gardeners. Children completed this gesture along with their family members, hence involving more people in the appreciation and acknowledgement for people who make this society a better place for them, Moreover, it increased the family bonding time and opportunities for constructive conversations to occur.

Together as one, smiles were spreaded in miles.

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