Pu Ti Child Care Centre (SSDB)

22 Aug 2017

Doing our part in small ways!

To kick off SSDB 2017 in Pu Ti Child Care Centre, we had the privilege of having Kindsville to put up a ‘Kindness starts with me’ puppet show in school on 3 May 2017. Children, along with their parents, enjoyed the puppet show thoroughly.

Over the next few months, we participated in various activities to encourage acts of kindness in our daily lives. In school, K2 led the way by helping Nursery children with simple task like hand-washing before lunch.

K1 children did their part by partaking some cleaning responsibilities in school.

To thank them for their love and care, Nursery children prepared yummy teabreak snacks for them.

Apart from those, Kindergartners further explored the topic and discussed how else they can do their part outside of school. With parents’ support, K1 helped to pick litter around the vicinity. 

K2 baked cookies and distributed them in the neighbourhood, complete with tags that hold simple heartwarming messages! 

Through these activities, children learnt that all it takes is just a small kind act to make the difference. No matter how simple these acts may seem, we are so happy and proud to be the reason behind someone’s smile!

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