Fizah Adam

EB0003 E-Bridge Pre-School (178 Rivervale Crescent)

Fizah Adam
1 Sep 2017

"Changing the World Starts with Me" - Part 1

We started our Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2017 project with an eventful launch party in April. The celebration was held in school for our K1 & K2 children and their parents. We had a presentation to inform parents of our SSDB plans for this year and emphasized the importance of service learning. 

Thereafter, our K1A and K1B children performed an English and Mandarin songs respectively. Our K2 children also presented their understanding of reflectiveness through a dramatisation of the story “The Giving Tree“. 

Additionally, the children and their parents participated in various experiences such as writing of Our Giving Tree Pledge, making of gifts and painting of Our Charity Drive Collection Box. We ended the party with a tea reception!

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