Visiting Down Syndrome Association On the 2nd of August 2018, the centre visited the Down Syndrome Association to give the fund that we raised from the donation cards and the charity bazaar event.The Down ...
A Talk with people from DOWN SYNDROME ASSOCIATION On 3rd of July, a brief talk about Down Syndrome Association was held in our centre.Mr Andrew and Ms Lyn informed the children about what Down Syndrome Association and how it ...
CHARITY BAZAAR - Preparation The children decided to make crafts using recycled materials and sell it during the centre’s open house - cum Charity Bazaar. They discussed and planned out what they wanted ...
CHARITY BAZAAR On the 14th of July 2018, the centre had its open house ceremony. Together with the open house ceremony, we also held our SSDB Project cum Charity Bazaar. The Teachers set up ...
SSDB LAUNCHING PARTY AT TAMPINES EAST BLK 262 On the 3rd of April, our centre had its SSDB launching with the parents together with a representative from the Down Syndrome Association in Singapore.For the first part of ...