From Hearts To Hands Today, 12 April 2018, we launched our SSBD Project entitled “From Hearts to Hands”.To kick off the project, our K2 children put up a skit and a song to raise the people’s ...
Launch Party at Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Newton Last Friday, our K1s and K2s along with children from APSN had a fun filled launch party! It’s all about Kids giving back to Kids!Thats the aim for the Start Small Dream Big ...
SSDB 2018 @ Sam's Early Learning Centre 17 Jalan Mutiara (off River Valley)”Bring Cheer Through Multicultural Participation”On 15th February 2018 at 11:00am our Nursery, K1 and K2 students participated in the ...
SSDB LAUNCHING PARTY AT TAMPINES EAST BLK 262 On the 3rd of April, our centre had its SSDB launching with the parents together with a representative from the Down Syndrome Association in Singapore.For the first part of ...
Ah Gong(s) Ah Ma(s) our Treasures! Our weekly morning exercise with our Ah Gong(s) and Ah Ma(s) at Sparkle Care Senior care centre! We remembered the first lesson when we got them to move to the beat, they were ...
Kindness On Board PCF Sparkletots Preschool@ Keat Hong Blk 411 children had a go at the Cubbies Yes or No game.Children were spilt into 2 groups and took turns to pick a card and decide if it ...
SSDB 2018 Launch @ Methodist Church of the Incarnation Kindergarten - Grow in Love and Kindness The SSDB 2018 launch was held in conjunction with our Earth Day celebration on 20 April 2018. The title of our outreach project is “Grow in Love and Kindness”. Over the next ...
SSDB Launch 2018 - PCF SPARKLETOTS Preschool @Nanyang Blk 934 (KN) Nabizah Zafarah - A Little Spark of Kindness and Thoughtful Helping Hands -Class K2A Inventiveness Our launch celebration on, Friday, 20th April 2018.A simple act of Kindness can make a tremendous impact on a person’s life - AnnonymousStart Small Dream Big is an ...
Launch of SSDB On the 5th April, we launched the Start Small Dream Big project. Teachers tap on existing recyable materials in their classroom and work with children in their creation. ...
SSDB 2018 @ Sam's Early Learning Centre Jalan Mutiata (off River Valley)”Integration and Inclusion of the Elderly with the Young”On 16th March 2018, our Nursery, K1 & K2 students visited the Lee Ah Mooi Old Age ...
SSDB Soft launch 2018 This is our first year embarking on SSDB project. A special day on 6 April 2018 where we had our soft launch. The theme for our SSDB project is ‘We are in this together’. The ...
SSDB soft launch 2018 The children did a Show N Tell of the model they did using recycle materials. There was a display of the process from introducing the concepts of what SSDB, recycable, ...