Fruit Cups for Community Helpers The 31 children from K1 were expectantly passionate when both their teachers shared the “Project” to bless the community helpers in the neighbourhood. They brainstormed likely ...
Giving a Helping Hand - Fundraising Bazaar A day filled with fun and excitement for the children and parents….its Fundraising Bazaar Day!!! Many parents came down and give their support to our fundraising bazaar. We ...
Kiddie Carwash As preparation for the 3 Bucket Carwash Challenge with their family, the children started their theme by simulating the carwash challenge at the playground. They brought the ...
Healthy Living Learning Vision @ Kent Ridge will embark on Healthy Living Project. Children will be learning about the importance of healthy eating, personal hygiene and exercising. Let the ...
Sunflower Kiddy Star Preschool: Water Rationing Exercise Reinforcing on our children’s awareness that water is precious, our K1 and K2 children had participated in a water rationing exercise in the school to give them a real-life ...
Sunflower Kiddy Star Preschool: Promoting “Water is Precious, Save Every Drop” in a Community Event Pressing on with our journey to promote “Water is Precious, Save Every Drop”, our children reached out to the community to inspire others to save water. They participated in a ...
LittleLives Go Green The Little ones from K2A, K2B and K2C work together to set up three recycling bin to help promote recycling habit among their school mates. The Little ones too contributed ...
Visit to the elderly homes - Sree Narayana Mission home @ Yishun The K1/ K2 classes visited Sree Narayana Mission Homes @ Yishun to perform two workout dances to the residents. We also donated funds that we raised on our Sports Day on ...
Biodiversity Week - Green Wave Potting Event For Biodiversity Week, Nparks provided us a a Malayan Ground Orchid (Spathoglottis plicata) plant to be potted as a symbolism to the international greening movement.We started ...
Parents' Day Celebration 2017 On 9 May, we celebrated Parents’ Day to show our appreciation for our parents.We performed ‘Chicken Dance’ item.And invited our parents to dance with us.> Mummy! Daddy! ...
The Pledge The children is now ready to extend their dreams to their parents. They read the SSDB invite together with their friends and explored the different cartoon characters on the ...
SSDB 2017 @ Newton Kindergarten - Love, Respect and Compassion to the Elderly Finally, to end the project, the K2 children visited the elderly at Irene Nursing Home. They sang songs, massage and brought goodie bags for all the old folks there. It was a ...