Water-Saving Posters The K2 children were tasked with the creation of water-saving posters for their June Holiday’s Home Learning Support Project. Together with their parents, the children worked ...
3M Step-Up Challenge Our N2 to K2 children participated in the 3M Step Up Challenge. We invited parent volunteers from the N2 and K1 levels to join us for this challenge. For every 500 steps, one ...
Racial Harmony Day cum FoodBank Collaboration The school invited parents of all levels (N1 to K2) to join in the Racial Harmony outdoor mass celebration. The children and their parents were encouraged to dress in their ...
SSDB 2017 @ Learning Vision @ Changi Business Park Learning Vision at Changi Business Park launched the ‘Start Small Dream Big Campaign Food For All’ in April 2017. This sparked a series of events. A staff from Food Bank ...
PCF Sparkletots preschool @ KG 462/3 Celebrating CNY at Peace Connect Get the drum rolling 🥁 for the K2 lion dancers ..* Oranges 🍊 🍊 for good luck.”To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honour”. The kindergarten 1 ...
PCF Sparkletots 462/3 spends Mother's Day with The elderly Despite the size and limitation of a child, we should not limit the capabilities of their heart to show compassion towards others. We should inculcate in them how important it ...
Start Small Dream Big: My First Skool @ Pasir Ris 4 - Use it, save it! (Part 2) House visiting in the Neighbourhood7 Water Ambassadors were chosen to represent each level from N-K2 to go to nearby houses in the estate to share on how to save water. At ...
Start Small Dream Big: My First Skool @ Pasir Ris 4 - Use it, save it! (Part 3) Parental Involvement and the Showcase (September)On the 15th of September, parents were invited to join us for the showcase. Firstly, parents were presented a short ...
It's clean and green time! In conjunction with Earth Week 2017, children from all classes participated in the litter-picking exercise that happened on May 11. This exercise prompts children to be more ...
Adopt-A-Playground The idea to adopt-the-playground located in front of the centre premises was sparked by one of the children’s perspective. The child had noticed the playground to be ‘dirty’ ...
Clean up after Picnic @ Marina Cove On 21st July 2017, we went out for a learning journey to Marine Cove together with almost all of the children and their parents. The purpose of the trip was to allow the ...