SSDB Launch @ Kanooka This is the first year we are participating in “Start Small Dream Big” (SSDB) project. The project will be focusing on “Plant Kindness, Harvest Love”.The teacher had a ...
Mother's Day Appreciation @ Kanooka Kanooka had a meaningful event for our children to show their appreciation and love to their mother for Mother’s Day.We collaborated with Nanyang Zone 4 Resident’s Committee ...
MY World @ Kang Ching: Showing Kindness To People Around Us (SSDB Kindness Visit To THK Senior Services - 27 April 2018) The K2 children planned for a Kindness Visit to a neighbourhood elderly community centre. They took this opportunity to interact and bond with the elderlies through their ...
Care for Others: Soles4Souls Shoe Drive Prior to launching the Soles4Souls Shoes Drive in TOUCH Child Care, we screened the local movie, “Home Run” to our K1 and K2 children and the award winning animation, “Shoe” ...
Visit to Sunshine Welfare Action Mission Home (SWAMI) This is the first project that we participated in since the launch of the program. In conjunction with our EQ theme on Empathy, we decided to visit Sunshine Welfare Action ...
Making refreshing lemonade @ Pacific Activity Centre It was a nice sunny weather when the Nursery children went to Pacific Activity Centre to make Honey Lemon Juice for the elderlies. Before we went to Pacific activity centre, ...
Mother's Day Tea Party [15th May 2018]As Mother’s Day was approaching, children were guided to prepare cookies for the celebration. In their own classes, children were briefed through step by step ...
The act of Thanksgiving [End May]To reinforce gratefulness and appreciation, children discussed about people whom they can be grateful for. Some suggestions mentioned by them included the rubbish ...
Family Day Carnival 2018 As part of the Start Small Dream Big initiative together with President’s Challenge, we had our fund-raising event namely, Family Day Carnival. This year, the children, ...
2 April 2018 - Launch Party Preparation The children were very excited to prepare for the SSDB launch Party and decided to reuse an old banner we had. We painted the back of the banner and decorated it with our ...
6 April 2018 - SSDB LAUNCH PARTY! We had a fun time launching #SSDB2018 in our gym room with our centre principal, teachers and friends.We started it off by putting on our orange SSDB hats for the first ...
14 May 2018 - Field Trip to East Coast Park. During prior classroom discussions, the children found that many people are endangering the sea creatures such as the otters by littering the land and water bodies in ...