Celebration of Mother/ Father Day 👪 In our Kindergarten, children were taught how to respect, honour & love their parents. Using recycled items, the children made their own personalized gifts for the 2 ...
Families' bonding time during the September holidays During the recent September holidays, to encourage families (including grandparents, relatives….) to bond with one another, children & their family members have to come ...
SSDB Thankful Feet Father’s Day Charity Walk On 10 June 2017, Pat’s Schoolhouse Tanglin and Prinsep, carried out Thankful Feet Charity Walk in conjunction with Father’s Day celebration. More than 400 enthusiastic ...
Care and love for our elderly On the 25th of August, our K2 Children from PCF Sparkletots Preschool@Punggol North Blk 105D along with the principal, teachers and parent volunteers, visited the Lion ...
Care for Our Environment Our Virtual Launch took place on 21 April 2017. Our K2 had the opportunities to participate in SSDB Project. Our project is focused more towards recycling and care for the ...
SSDB2017-Little Hands Helping Hands The teachers read them stories to introduce them about our beautiful world. One of the books read was the Karang Guni Boy where rhe learned how to collect recyled materials ...
R3-nothing to something! The project idea was inspired by a spark from the IGP Simple Machines project as all the simple machines item could be made from recycle materials which has been an on-going ...
Let's Study our Utility Bill Lessons were carried out on studying water (utility)bills. From there lessons children were able to: Compare their usage of water The amount their parents pay for the ...
Let's Say our Water Pledge The N2 children had a moment to say their water pledge and had a discussion on how we use water in school and at home and why water is so precious.
KIDZ MEADOW BUANGKOK RIDGE INDOOR GARDEN GOES WILD.. As we slowly come to an end…our children at Kidz Meadow Buangkok Ridge starts their preparation for our Open Ceremony; KMBR INDOOR GARDEN GOES WILD..on 30 September 2017.For ...
Parents Day and Racial Harmony Day Celebrations. On the 8th August PCF Keat Hong@411 celebrated Parents Day together with Racial Harmony involving parents of different races to come together and celebrate.We had many games ...
Caring for animals AVA came to the centre to give a talk on how to take care of animals that they have at home. They had a chance to touch and have an exposure on how to take care of rabbits. ...