Reducing our carbon footprint by planting trees The N2 classes are collaborating with The Garden City Fund, Plant-a-Tree Programme. Their aim is to raise $400 to plant 2 trees.Ever since the preschool implemented ...
C.A.R.E...(Ep 1) A caring attitude towards our living environment is vital. This year, we connected with a few community partners to work on this.We invited NEA officer, Ms Clarissa to share ...
Save the Earth in Our Little Ways - Recycled Bottle Plants “Only when the last tree has been cut, the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. ∼Cree Indian ProverbThis quote ...
Start Small Dream Big Donation Drive 2017 (Deneficiary: Sarah Senior Activity Centre) Story continue….Together with children, we worked with an organisation in organising fun and meaningful donation drive to help the disadvantaged elderly (50 families). ...
Hearts of Love, Hands of Love - Family Day Carnival MCI Kindergarten held a successful Family Day Carnival on Saturday, 19 August 2017. This was the last phase of our SSDB community outreach project. The theme is about ...
Kindness Movement Our children integrated the Centre’s Core Values: Respect, Integrity, Care and Concern into the Kindness Movement Project on Start Small Dream Big.They had their kindness ...
Keep Clean Singapore Our children from PCF Sparkletots Radin Mas Blk 18CC worked with NEA to help keep the environment clean. Teachers, parents and children had a great time having outdoor ...
Donation To Disabled Society Shop Our children, parents and staff from PCF Sparkletots Radin Mas Blk 18 CC donated items such as toys, clothes and accessories to DSA. On this day, our Lead Centre Principal, ...
We are the Water Rangers of Agape Little Uni @ Kallang !!! By teaching children at a young age to be environmentally aware, we are building lifelong habits that could potentially make a dramatic difference in the future of the ...
Little Hands, Big Hearts for our Elderly - Caring is Everywhere A simple act of caring creates an endless ripplesAs part of a build on to understand their roles as little ambassadors to, children further explore what they can do to ...
Visit to Moral Welfare Home Our Centre PCF Radin Mas Blk 18CC children made “Steam Milo Cake” specially for the elderly residents to show their love, care and concern. After making, we made a trip to ...
Little Hands, Big Hearts for our Elderly- Dance Practice No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted - AesopThe class of K2 decided to perform for the elderly at the elder care. Hence, upon choosing a song as a class, ...