Mrs Agnes Ong

Clementi Woods Kindergarten

Mrs Agnes Ong
23 Aug 2017

Preparations for SSDB 2017 Charity Fair

The title for our SSDB project this year is ‘Giving Is A Blessing’. Together with the teachers, our K2 students decided to organise a Charity Fair on 2 August 2017 to raise funds. All proceeds from the Charity Fair will be donated to the beneficiaries of the President’s Challenge.

Mrs Chua, the school principal briefed the parents details about our SSDB project 2017.

The children planted vegetables to sell at the Charity Fair to raise funds. 

Harvesting time!

Invitation cards designed by all the K2 students to encourage other levels parents (N1, N2 & K1) of Clementi Woods Kindergarten to support the project by contributing funds for their children to purchase items sold by the K2 students during the Charity Fair. 

Banner writing. To be put up during the Charity Fair.

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