Seet Chia Puay

Children's Cove

Seet Chia Puay
1 Sep 2017

Our Character Tree

Through our service learning journey, the children understood the importance of key positive character traits for them to grow in kindness, compassion, and confidence. We learnt to be courageous, generous, helpful, and grateful. The children created a “Giving Tree” out of recycled materials such as cardboard and scrap paper. Week by week, the children filled up the tree with pieces of leaf-shaped paper with their thoughts and reflections as we went through each character trait with them. They said their “thank you” and “welcome” as they completed the project collaboratively. 

We hope that the children would apply what they have learnt into practice and influence the people around them. Putting character first to spread positive energy to make the world a better place to live in.

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