Yang Yu Valerie

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Kampong Chai Chee Blk 135 (kn)

Yang Yu Valerie
10 Sep 2018

Collaboration of IGP with Father’s Day Celebration

Father’s Day was celebrated in advance on 25 May2018. The event was held near the school compound. The activity started with a message from the principal on the IGP and SSDB projects that the school is participating in. This was followed by a speech on Responsible Pet Ownership by AVA personnel, Poh Choo.

Song and dance performances by N1 to K2 children followed shortly and the children presented a token of appreciation (craft work done earlier) to their fathers after the performances.

Following the performances , the fathers were briefed on the activity of mural painting on the exterior walls of the school and the elements of art that would be incorporated were also explained to them. The mural painting focuses on the current IGP project as well as the previous IGP projects that the school has participated in.

The last activity commence and the children and their father worked hard on the mural painting on exterior walls of the school.

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