Mrs Trace Teo

Good Shepherd Convent Kindergarten

Mrs Trace Teo
31 Jul 2017

B.L.E.S.S Project @ Bedok Dialysis Centre - 1st Visit

The first and second sessions Kinder 1 children, the teachers and a few parent volunteers went to visit the kidney patients at Bedok Dialysis Centre.

On arrival, the children were introduced to the nurses’ room where the nurses explained the equipment in the room eg. Stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, ECG etc… As the children walked along the centre, they greeted the patients with respect. After which the children adjourned to the waiting room to decorate the heart shaped popsicles.

Next, the children held the heart shaped popsicles and sang two melodious songs to serenade the patients. After the heart-warming performance, the children presented the heart shaped popsicle with a bottle of Yakult to the kidney patients.

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