Getting Drama Ready For SSDB Its part 5 of our SSDB journey, Our Nursery 2 has prepared a little skit on what we must do when we see a friend or someone littering and not keeping our river and lakes ...
Our SSDB Journey Booklet Our SSDB Journey Booklet As our SSDB journey comes to an end, our N2 children decorated and shared their SSDB Journey Booklet with their friends in the Kindergarten 2, ...
Reducing Plastic Waste One Neighbourhood At A Time Our N2 children got together with the K1 and K2 children in this Litter Picking Event as part of their SSDB Journey: Reduce Plastic Waste, Save Our Watery Friends. This event ...
Upcycling our water bottles through planting It’s part 3 of our “Start Small Dream Big 2018: Reduce plastic waste, Save our watery friends” journey, and here the Nursery 1 and Nursery 2 students made use of their water ...
Learning Journey to River Safari - PCF Sparkletots Chong Pang @ Blk 288 As we continue with our “Start Small Dream Big 2018: Reduce plastic waste, Save our watery friends” journey, the Nursery 1 and Nursery 2 students head down to River Safari to ...