A visit to Ling Kwang Elderly Home 3/10 (去灵光爱老院慰问老人 ) 今天K1和Nursery的小朋友们一起去灵光老人院看望这里的老人,我们为老人们准备了舞蹈 《Deepavali 》和手工-光明灯、Rangoli。这是我们K1的小朋友表演的舞蹈《Deepavali》。K1的小朋友和老人们一起做“光明灯”...
A visit to Ling Kwang Elderly Home 12/9 (去灵光爱老院慰问老人 ) 又到了看望老人的日子。这次K1和Nursery的小朋友们一起和老人们制作手工——灯笼 🏮,迎接中秋节的到来。K1 - 用厕纸筒和红纸做的灯笼,既又美观又环保,老人们很喜欢。Nursery - 用红包袋贴灯笼,阿公帮忙涂胶水,阿嬷帮忙撕红包,大家有说有笑一起做手工,真是开心极了!
A visit to Ling Kwang Elderly Home 6/8 (去灵光爱老院慰问老人 ) 又到了去老人院的日子,小朋们都很期待。校长Ms Cheryl ,代表全校师生把在的义卖会上筹到的2600元善款交给了老人院,希...
A visit to Ling Kwang Home 灵光爱老院慰问老人(11/07) 今天小朋友们来灵光爱老院和老人们一起庆祝开斋节。我们陪老人们聊天,一同制作具有马来传统特色的手工。小朋友们一句简单的问候,一句贴心的祝福,一个可爱的微笑都让老人们感到满足。这次活动也让小朋友们有了新的成长,原来给予他人关爱和温暖,自己也很快乐。K1的小朋友和老人们一起做马来台灯。Nursery 的小朋友和老人们一起制作马来族的(ketupat)。
A visit to Ling Kwang Home 灵光爱老院慰问老人(13/06) 今天我们又来到灵光爱老院,和这里的老人们一起庆祝“父亲节”。我们为老人们表演歌蹈,与他们一起做手工,能让老人们开心,我们也觉得很快乐!😊😘我们又来了,小朋友们都很期待这一天😊这是K2 的小朋友在表演舞蹈《大蜻蜓》。小朋友们天真可爱的表演,赢得了老人们的阵阵掌声👏👏我们和阿公一起制作父亲节卡片,祝所有的爸爸们父亲节快乐!
Racial Harmony Charity Carnival This year is our 2nd Charity Carnival where parents will have to bring in specific rations to play games in our multi-racial booths set up by the teachers. Malay booth ...
A visit to Ling Kwang Elderly Home 8/5 A visit to Ling Kwang HomeFrom April onwards, we have been visiting the elderly in Ling Kwang Home every month. Before each visit, we will prepare a few activities such as ...
Our Mini Garden In March, we decided to create our own mini-garden to let the children learn about the food that we can grown on our own.We collaborated with Preschool Market and also NParks. ...
Showing our appreciation - Giving out thank you cards The K1 children making ‘Thank you’ cards for the bus drivers and community helpers to show appreciation for their services to our community.We are here!!!Getting ready our ...
Litter Picking @ Changi Beach We collaborated with PHC (Public Hygiene Council) to pick up litter at Changi Beach on 22nd May 2017. We invited parents to join us in the litter picking.The children learnt ...
Lion's Home This is our 2nd year partnership with Lion’s Home. This year, the children were given the opportunity to serve birthday cakes to the elderly as part of their monthly birthday ...
Sharing is Caring During the month of Ramadan, the children made rainbow ondeh-ondeh from scratch.Teacher showing the children how to make ondeh-ondeh.Teacher guiding them step by step on how ...