SSDB Launch Party This party was organised to give more information to parents about what is Start Small Dream Big project all about. We encouraged parents to be present during the launch party ...
Preparation for Sporty T.R.A.S.H.formers Carnival Children and parents were actively engaged preparing for the carnival. Not forgetting the teachers too had put in so much efforts in facilitating the children with the ...
Playdate with Sarada Kindergarten and Ain Society As our target is to reach out to the community, we plan for a play date with another kindergarten as well as Ain Society children.Our K1 children went for a playdate wit ...
Sporty T.R.A.S.H.formers Carnival Our SSDB carnival event was tied up with our Sports Day event which also falls on the eve of National Day. We had a 3-in-1 celebration on Wednesday, 8th August 2018. The ...