All Saints Elders Home Charity Drive @ Tampines Street 44 In August to September the children, parents, staff and management of Bubblesland Playhouse contributed donation items such as adult diapers, rice, oil, noodles, wet tissues ...
Respecting Diversity and Cultures On Friday, 27th July, Bubblesland celebrated Racial Harmony Day. The children were taught to respect the different cultures and diversity in Singapore. Ethnic games, costumes, ...
Fixing a Wrinkled Heart In conjunction with our SSDB project, Kindness Starts with Me!, we aim to ensure the children understood the importance of being kind.On 11th June, using the story, ...
Kindsville Tour by SKM On Thursday, 12th July the K1 and K2 children went on the Kindsville Tour by the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) at the Singapore Kindness Gallery.During the tour of ...
Dried Leaves Thank You Cards In May our K2 children went outdoors to clean up and sanitise the outdoor play areas. They also picked up dried leaves from the surrounding garden area for recycling and ...
Cleaning Up Our Play Areas On Thurs, 31st May, the K1 and K2 children went outdoor to clean and sanitise the outdoor play areas.In conjunction with our 2018 SSDB Project, Kindness Starts with Me!, the ...
Surprise for Daddy! On Wed, 13th June, Bubblesland Playhouse organise a Mother and Child Cookery workshop.. We invited our moms to join us on an afternoon of fun filled learning via a hands on ...
Father & Child D.I.Y. Art & Craft Workshop Last Thursday, 10th May, we invited our children’s Dads to join us at Bubblesland for an Art & Craft workshop.The children, their dads and the teachers work hand in hand ...
SSDB 2018 Project Launch: Kindness Starts with Me! Bubblesland Playhouse SSDB project was launched last Friday, 13th April by the Kindergarten classes. We did simple role plays, talked to the children on kindness and ways to ...
SSDB Project Launch 2018@Bubblesland Playhouse In April 2018, Bubblesland Playhouse is excited to embark on the SSDB project for the first time!! Our Project Title is “Kindness Starts with Me!”We hope to inculcate kindness ...